equitymaster.com is a web site truly focused on on Indian Stock market. It provides in-depth research services covering all kind of funds ranging from large cap, mid cap to small cap. It gives recommendation on buying and selling stocks across various sectors which for a regular investor is a boon and comes out handy. In addition to research data, the web site offers latest news and analysis, various tools and calculators, information on latest IPOs etc. Another important feature is a huge repository of information about 500 leading companies in India across different sectors. You can in fact read a fact sheet on any company which includes information related to equity share data, income statements and balance sheet data. You can also get information on various industry sectors like aluminum, software, telecom etc. If you want to make a more informed decision regarding investments, or even if you are planning to start a business in India, this site will give you a pretty good idea on the bigger picture for each sector.
Coming back to financial services, the site provides Portfolio Tracker which is an online stock and mutual fund tracking utility. You can analyse your portfolio anytime based on latest market data and make your decisions.
The premium services include subscribing for special research reports on various types of funds with price ranging from Rs 2000 to Rs 9500. You can also subscribe to
MY PLANNER utility for managing your personal finance online at a small fee of Rs330/= p.a.
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